Wednesday, May 18, 2016

What You Don't Know About Instagram

Have you been frustrated too with the lack of reach and interaction your Facebook Business Page has been getting? You should officially know that Facebook is DEAD to those who want to promote for FREE. Unless you dump some money into Facebook advertisements, your posts will get very little coverage.

  • Organic Reach for pages is less than 2%! (Organic means you are not paying to boost reach.)
  • Only 4-11% of posts are being seen by fans! Basically saying, for every 100 likes you have one your page, only 4-11 people will see them! YUCK! What a waste of time right?!

So what do I do? Post more in hopes of reaching more? NO WAY! That is just toooooo much work! There are other social media platforms that are working way more efficiently.

In order to get more reach, I need to be on several social medias!
You don’t need to do them all! Pick 1 or 2 and do them really well.

Today we are going to talk about Instagram and it's power to help advertise.
Instagram is generally very under used or is not used in the correct way by marketers. When used correctly, Instagram is a very powerful tool! Instagram allows for you to reach beyond your followers and circles to reach new eyes. There is no limit to Instagram's reach. (A bonus that Facebook does not have.)

Instagram isn’t the same as Facebook - Don’t treat it the same!
  • FB can be a “diary”. That approach doesn’t work on Instagram.
  • Instagram is meant to be more inspiring and positive. Posts that contain these elements thrive on this platform.
  • Visuals are more enticing then text. Your Instagrams should have stronger visuals than text. (Facebook is the opposite.)
  • Instagrams can last forever. Hashtag wisely - your hashtag will keep your post alive and visible to many outside your reach. Facebook posts are much more short term.

  • Latest updates and how they relate to biz and bottom line. Instagram has recently went through a big change. Your posts are not longer being seen in real time. Do your research and find out the algorithm.
  • Find the perfect customer pool. Think about who you want to attrach and appeal to.
  • Why “likes” have changed - go for quality over quantity on Instagram.
  • Find out what your customers like and appeal to them. This is thinking outside of the box. You should be showing much, much more than just products and ads. You should be thinking about WHAT your customers WANT to see more of.


  1. Use targeted Hashtags # to find who you are looking for.

  • Overused popular # are over!
  • If you had to pick 1 follower and only 1 follower, who would that person be?
    • Use this person as a model to help you find more of that ideal follower/customer
  • Use # based on your demographic area.
    • hobbies, interest, location, family/kids, age, # they may be using locally
      • A local restaurant that isn’t a chain
      • A local pumpkin patch in the fall
      • A comedy club that is having a big show
  • Visit pages of your ideal customer and write down # they are using

2. Fill your explore page with carbon copies of your best customer!
How do we do that? Look for the magnifying glass on the bottom of the main page. See it? You know what that does? It shows you what you are already #, liking, and commenting on and people that would be your ideal customers! There is your pot of gold! So what should you do now? Spend some time “liking” and commenting on posts related to your biz! My company is wine! (I know... how awesome is that?) So I would be looking for people who love wine, drink wine, and post funny memes about wines! I might also look for stay at home moms, as well as wine bloggers.

3. Connect and Provide Value

  • Post regularly
  • Give something they can count on (content, regular posts, etc.)
    • If you provide a drink recipe on Monday, always post that recipe on Monday.
  • Include a CTA (call to action)
    • Ask questions
    • Link to your email list
    • Be the leader!


  • Using overly popular #. You get lost in a sea of the same #s.
  • Using # of your product/service only
    • Use # specific to people that want to learn about your product. This is who you should be targeting. If you are just hash tagging your product or company name, then you are wasting your time. Think about that- who is looking for those hashtags except other reps like you! (DUH!) So Instead of # your company name or product, # things that people who USE your products might use. For example, I sell wine. Instead of # my company name, I might post a product picture and use these hashtags instead: #ilovewine #winewednesday #cheers #SAHMneedmorewine #savewater #yummydrinks
    • Another reason NOT to use your product name in a hashtag is so many of your “competition” is using this #, you are essentially driving traffic to them. (The example, if you are a beachbody coach and use the # of the day, when someone sees yours and clicks on it, they are brought to all of the posts using that #. If they see someone with a rocking body under that #, they may choose them over you.) Lightbulb moment right?
  • Not Using a CTA (call to action) is another big mistake people make! The whole point of posting on Instragram to draw traffic! In your bio, you should have a link to where you want to drive your traffic to.
  • The biggesgt mistake I see is people not driving traffic to their website! Always include a link in your call to action!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

6 Ways To Be More Efficient at Vendor Shows

Have you ever displayed at a vendor show and came home thinking you weren't successful or it was a waste of time? Chances are you missed the mark on how to be efficient at vendor shows. With the right knowledge, vendor shows are gold mines! Most companies do not train how to do a vendor show. You'll be surprised at what you have been missing.

Your Display

Keep your table simple. You only have about 10-15 seconds to capture their attention as they walk by. When setting up a table, you should stand back and look at your table and say “What do I want them to see MOST when they look at my table? What is the point I want to stress most? What is your focus/WHY for being at the show that day?”
What is your focus? 

  • Are you collecting orders?
  • Are you asking them to join your team?
  • Are you looking for bookings?

Your table top display should be super simple and to the point. Do not clutter up your table display with fliers and brochures for them to read. (Read why under handouts & takeaway section)

 If you sell products, display a couple of eye catching and best selling products. (If you are collecting orders as your WHY)

If you are recruiting, display some pictures that are appealing to your business.

If you are trying to get bookings, show some pictures of your parties and how fun they can be.

Call To Action

Keeping in mind to limit the text on your table, the visual text you do have should have a call to action. 

“Book today and get a free prize”
“Join my team and get paid to have nice nails”
“Place your order today and have it by next weekend” 
Short. To the point. Calls for action. This allows for your audience to know what you want for them and what they should do all within that 10-15 second window you have to grab their attention as they pass by.


You should offer incentives for your call to action. Whether you are looking for bookings, new team members, or orders - whatever is in your company guidelines, you should offer an incentive for your call to action.

“Order today and receive a free gift”
“Join my team today and I’ll come do your launch party.”
“Book a party today and get an extra 10 percent off at your party!”

This will entice them to buy, book, or sign up. People love a deal and if they think they are getting a great one, they will jump at the opportunity. Make sure when you are talking to people at the show that you mention these incentives in your conversation.

Get Their Info

Make sure you have a system that you can get their info. Now most people are not willing to give up their personal info unless there is a value to it. Offer an incentive: Enter a drawing and win this door prize . The most important thing to think about the contact info you want to collect. What info do you want from them? Contact info? Email? Survey about products?

Handouts & Takeaways

Most people do this the wrong way. They usually clutter their tables with pamphlets and takeaways in high hopes that everyone that takes one will magically connect back to them and take action. But there is a better way but it often involves you stepping out of your comfort zone. However, the results are much higher for follow through and action.

What I do is I keep all my handouts out of reach so I can personally connect with a prospect in order for them to obtain more info. Remember - your brochure is a tool, not a main method. 95% of people do not look at all the info they collect at vendor show. They simply hoard stuff in a purse to never look at it again. (Is this sounding familiar?) So always use personal connection first and provide the pamphlets as a follow up method for them. This way you also are not handing out a ton of pamphlets that you paid for just to have them sit in a bottle of a purse to be thrown away later.

When you actually talk to people first, you are establishing a rapport and sparking interest. Plus you are screening to see who you should give a pamphlet to so when you actually hand that pamphlet out, the person is interested and uses it as a call to action. Just do not hand one to everyone. Just makes more sense now right? Engaging with them will make you more memorable.

How to Pick a Vendor Show

There are several things to consider before signing up for a vendor show. You should think about:

#1 - What is the target audience there?” Think about your product or service combine with your ideal target audience. Will these people be attending this kind of an event?

For example, if you sell children’s books, you are not going to want to set up at a beer and wine festival. Sure there will be people there that have children, but are they attending that event with that in mind? Another great example is an woodmen's show. Would you set up a make up table there if you are selling make up? Chances are - not so much. Am I saying you won’t collect orders? You might - but the bigger picture is - is it going to be worth your time and money.

The second thing you should ask or be aware of:

#2 -How is it being advertised?” - You would be so surprised how many organizers depend on “word of mouth” these days! This is simply not a valid enough effort. A true organizer will take steps to alert local newspapers, websites, community advertising, as well as social media. You can also help advertise too (since it benefits you) by sharing with on social media or letting friends and family know. The best way to find this out is to ask the organizer. Assumption can lead to disappointment. You should be picky about what vendor shows you attend. It is your business and your time is worth money!

I you really enjoyed this blog, make sure sure you sign up on the top right corner for email alerts so you will never miss one!

Now if you read this and said to yourself "WOW.... What is this WINE THING? I want to learn more!" Make sure you reach out and contact me for more info!


As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
Like me on Facebook

Monday, May 9, 2016

Creating A Successful Email WITH a Response!

Have you ever emailed your customers, team members, potentials and heard nothing back? Well then, chances are this blog post is for you!

Most of us have been making the mistake of sending emails that will be left unread. And why? Why are we spending the time to create these emails if no one is opening them? Now according to industry standard, less than 17% of emails sent by marketers will be opened. Why is that? Because the receiver thinks they already know what the email is going to say and it has no value to them. No value. 

So what's the secret to getting people to open your emails AND getting them to take action? Well here is my little secret... provide them value. 

You should not be sending an email as an advertisement.  You should be sending the receiver something of value.... something they want to read. Something that does not feel like they are being 'sold to.' People love to buy but hate being sold to. If you are not sending them something of value, then don't bother sending it.  Here are a couple of little tips to keep in mind when you are composing your emails.

Tip #1: Provide them with a reason why you are reaching out.
Make it sound like a favor you are doing for them. Make it personable. Make it about them. Establish a rapport and provide that value.

Tip #2: Make the subject line catchy.
Most people judge an email by their subject. You have 5-8 words to catch their attention. The subject line should leave them wanting more! That's the spoiler alert to WHY they actually opened your email! Dull, boring subject titles do not create interest nor spark attention.... so just avoid them! Same goes for over the top, cheesy subject lines! Find that medium balance and create curiosity into your email.

Tip #3: Always provide a call to action in your email.
Always leave your emails short and clear. Let it be clear why you are reaching out to them and tell them what you want them to do. The call to action can be as simple as "Please call me when you read this." Or "Check out my newest blog post if you love ......" Or "If you found this helped, please reply and let me know!"

Tip #4: Track your emails
Test out a couple of different types of emails. Change up the content or the subject line. Attach a tracker (some email providers have this as an option) so you can see who is opening them. You will then be able to analyze what is working best for you and what is not!

As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
Like me on Facebook