Saturday, February 20, 2016

The 1 Missed Step to Success

Imagine yourself getting ready to go on a luxury vacation to somewhere warm and beautiful. What do you do to prepare yourself for this vacation? Do you read travel guides, check trip adviser, and pack a suitcase? Or do you just jump in the car and go with no map?? Well if you want a successful vacation you prepare yourself for it. The same rule should be applied to your career or direct sales job! Your map is GOAL SETTING! When put it in this context, it just makes sense that if you want to create success, you must plan for it. Then how come goal setting is the number 1 missed step by people? It is often an after thought or a step not taken seriously. If you set goals, you are much more likely to achieve them. How much more likely? Check out these results:

A Harvard Business study revealed remarkable statistics relating to goal setting & success:
83% of the population does not have goals
14% have a plan in mind, but are unwritten goals
3% have goals written down
The study found that the 14% who have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals. The 3% with written goals are 3 times more successful than the 14% with unwritten goals.

Clearly, a person is more likely to achieve a goal if it is written down!!!!
“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” –Earl Nightingale 
Important of Goals 
1.Goals Propel your Forward
2.Transform insurmountable mountains 
into walkable wills 
3.Goals help us believe in ourselves 
4.Goals hold you accountable for failure
5.Goals tell you what you truly want 
6.Goals help us live life to the fullest

Common Obstacles That keep Us From Reaching Our Goals: 

Not have enough : time, money, knowledge, or skills
Stress and fatigue
Parents, friends, spouse don’t agree with your goals 
Fear of failure
Feat of disapproval or rejection
Lack of confidence in your ability to succeed
Lack of motivation
Short attention span
Lack of well defined goals
Unrealistic goals set 
Lack of acknowledgement

"A goal without a plan is just a wish."

What Goals Look Like:

Long Term:

Something you want to accomplish in the future.
Require time and planning. They are not something you can do this week or even this year. Long-term goals are usually at least several years away. Many steps have to be taken to reach a long term goal.

Make Director position

Manage of team of 100

Total Career Volume of $100,000
Short Term:
Something you want to do in the near future. The near future can mean today, this week, this month, or even this year.  
They are less complicated to achieve than long term goals. 
Help you think what you can do right away.They can help you manage your time.
They might seem small but they are often benchmarks that help you achieve long term goals.
Book 4 parties a month
Plan 1 hour a week “warm calling”
Every Sunday follow up with perspectives 
Long term and short term should always be realistic and accomplishable. 
Accomplishable have concrete benchmarks/progress that can be seen or measured.
Accomplishable goals may be attempted and failed several times before they are accomplished or they may be accomplished at first attempt.
Which goal is accomplishable?
Sell a case of wine at every party!
Remember to mention to guests the benefits of buying a case.

Dream Goals:

These are goals that are inspirational but not directly measurable.
Can be abstract ideas and be ongoing with no end.
They can sometimes be achieved but not always.They are the highest level of our wants or the highest level of something we could possibly fathom.


My team will be motivated by my actions and coaching.

Every guest at my party will learn something new and pass their knowledge on.

I will expand my knowledge on sommology.
Planning Goals:
"If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail."

DAILY GOALS – These are usually very specific and can be check lists or small bits that keep you on track for your goals / benchmarks. “I will make 1 phone call or email a day.”
WEEKLY GOALS – These are goals that help keep your movement toward your larger goals. They can we benchmarks or small goals that often change to help you work toward your larger goals. They are goals that help you assess your needs to reach your highest levels.  “I want have 1 party a week.”
MONTHLY GOALS -  Often most important goals that show us our progress made. Much thought are put into these goals since they project our outcomes.  They may not be reach every month but a good monthly goal will be reach 75% of the time. Any thing less, the goal should be reassessed and  a new plan should be made. “I want PV in 25% each month.” There for I should reach this goal 9/12 months.
YEARLY GOALS – Can be very broad and be your “target” to reach toward. Your monthly goals should help you reach this . “I want to do $12,000 in sales a year!”
Easiest Way of Putting Your Goals Into Action: Vision Board
VISION BOARD – A poster of collected images and/or words that inspire and motivate YOU!
Vision Boards include but not limited to:
Long term goals
Short term goals

Keys to Success: 


Now I know this is a lot of information at once, but its quality. If you plan to be successful, then make a plan to success. Do yourself a favor and sit down and think about some of your goals. Whether you post them on sticky notes, vision board, or write them down in some form - just get them done! And when you accomplish them, cross them off so you can see your progress! There is nothing more motivating then being able to physically see your progress! Seeing is believing! 


As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
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