Friday, February 19, 2016

3 Things YOU Need to Successfully Start a Direct Sales Adventure

Now, you will hear many, many, many different things on what you need to be successful. I have seen advice from all over and from many experts. Some advice is very specific - "Do this, and ABC, followed by XYZ and then you will have success." While some of those blue prints work for some, it also leaves some confused and in the dark with what to do.

While I am not expert myself, just an enthusiast, I do happen to be one of the top recruiters for my company in just the short 2.5 years I have been with them. When I started - right away I was one of the top. And guess what? 
I had NEVER been involved with direct sales before,
I had NEVER read an article or book on direct sales,
I have NEVER worked in the sales industry,
and I live in a very rural AND poor area.

Say What? How can it be that someone like me emerges and within 3 months becomes recognized by my CEO as a stellar rock star?! Well I will share with you HOW. And it is just 3 simple tips. Three simple things you just have to naturally have or strive for. They can't be taught nor can they be bought. 

So have I peaked your curiosity yet? Are you ready? Here they are:

#1 Attitude
#2 Hard Work
#3 Luck

Now let's talk about these a little more and define them. Some of you might think: "Well I already have all of these and I am not successful." Well, that is clearly because you are wrong. 

"If you want to be successful the first step is to get out of your own way."    

(Hmmmm think about that one....)

#1 - Attitude. We all have it. Born with in. But can it be changed? No. But it can be nurtured and refocused. You have to be positive, adaptable, and reflective. You have to look at the world with the glass half full. You have to know when to let go and move onward & upward. And you have to be able to analyze, evaluate, and reflect upon your actions. I am not going to elaborate on this one piece because this has to come from within and it has to be present 100 percent of the time. You can either do it or you can't. And if you can't - you actually can with a lot of training - train your brain. This takes time, routine, and devotion. So let's hope you are born with this skill! If so, proceed to the next two tips.

#2 - Hard Work. When you start a business, you have to work it like a business. You get out what you put in and your result will not be instant. Expect what you do today to yield results in about 3-6 months. Building a business takes time. Think about it like this: If a new pizza shop opened in town, right next to your favorite pizza shop, are you going to run right over and try it out the day it opens? No! You might eventually try it on your own but in reality - you are not going to try it until you hear feedback/ recommendations from others  that say to try it! Direct sales is the same way! You need to set aside time to work on your business. How much time? Well that depends on how successful you want to be in 3 to 6 months. This step I do recommend that you reach out to uplines, watch company training, and follow a gurus on social media. (Personally, I highly suggest Ray Higdon or any of his prodigies.) Be a sponge! Soak up ever piece of info you can and apply it! (This is part of analyze, evaluate, and reflect that I mentioned in step number 1.)

#3 - Luck. It is what it is. Some of us have it, and others do not. Well this is simply not true. You create your luck. Only you can put yourself in circumstances that will advance you. I truly believe luck is based on the people & environment you surround yourself with. I was once told: "You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with." (Reflect upon that statement, analyze, and evaluate.) Is that a powerful statement or what? It is so true. So if you find yourself in the business with "no luck," think about who you are surrounding yourself with because you can control that.

Well, there you have it. The 3 things you need to successfully start a direct sales adventure.

As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
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