Thursday, February 25, 2016

Why Adding 5 Team Members Should be YOUR Priority!!

Earning an income in direct sales can be done in two ways:
1 - Sales
2- Team Building

Most people understand both but undermine the value in team building. Let me shed some light on that today.

Sales - There are only so many hours in a day, week, and month. There is no possible way you can book a party and do one daily! There is no way you can go out and gather sales daily (and work another job as well.) Let's just face it - there is only so much we can do to make an income with sales. There IS a cap only because we physically cannot do it. But yet I see so many people in direct sales only focus on sales. Why? So many people feel like that if their sales are "awesome," they will be able to make a comfortable living. Well this might be true for some people, but this is the HARD way. Do you want to 'just make a comfortable living' or do you want to make a six figure income someday? And do you think those six figure income earners are making that just on sales??

"Why do something the hard way when you can do it the easy way. Right??"

Well that easy way is to make money team building. Team building allows for an ENDLESS cap in income. Why? The more people we add, the more we can make. Endless possibilities. You know what's nice about getting paid on team building - you can get paid while you sleep! Personally, sounds way better to me!

"But team building is soooooo much work."

 FALSE. Your pay out for team building is residual income. Residual income means that once the "hard work" is done, you will continue to be payed far beyond. So look at your work being front loaded. All the work in the beginning, then less and less work throughout. 

When you add a new team member, their first 60 to 90 days are crucial. You will spend the first part of those days teaching, training, and coaching. (Making yourself producible.)  Once they have gotten everything under control, they will fly. They will then begin to continue bringing in an income for you after you have initially trained them. So yes, those first couple weeks might be more time consuming than you would like, but think about the residual income coming your way.

To help paint this picture, I want you to think of this:

If I add 5 people to my team, how will this impact me?
 (Get a pen, and write these answers down, then total them up.)
1 - What is your upfront commissions  $_________
2 - Bonuses (Does your company have a fast start bonus or sign up bonus) $_____
3 - 12 month payout for them working the business $______
4 - Rank (Will it bump you in rank/ If so, so much more money does that make you) $______
5 - Example (Does adding 5 people set an example for the rest of your team? Will it motivate others? What is the value of setting a great example?) This will not have a physical value sign but a personal value sign.
6 - Reputation (How will adding 5 people affect your reputation? How will it change who you are in this business?) Again, this is adding personal value to yourself.

Consider those 6 points. Now not only does adding 5 people to your team bring you a larger income but it also adds VALUE to you as a person in this business. (Light Bulb right? You were building a team for the money and you found personal growth and value on the way. Win win!)

Well, I hope by shedding some light on the importance of this subject really helped open your eyes a little. Now that you see all the value is adding team members - go out and make it your priority. No excuses! Stop focusing on sales and booking so much and focus on finding people to talk to your opportunity about.

As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Why use an aerator?

As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that
deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
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Why NOT TO Smell Your Cork

When we go to a nice restaurant, the waiter will bring out the bottle of wine you ordered. They open it in front of you, pour it, and then they take the cork and put it in front of you on the table. Then that awkward moment arrives.... "What the heck do I do with the cork?"

The myth is that everyone thinks you need to smell the cork. Ummmm what does smelling the cork tell you? What does it smell like? (Cork Duh!?) Why would you smell a cork to see if you wine was ok? The wine does not have cork in it - so the wine on the cork will NOT smell like the wine in the bottle! *Mind Blown Right?*


What you NEED to do with that cork is pick it up and look at it. By looking at the cork, you will be able to tell if the wine has been stored and/ or produced properly.

The cork below shows what a cork should look like. Notice that the wine is around the bottom of the cork and the sides of the cork are clean with little or no wine.

The cork below shows that there might have been an air leak with the wine or bottled/stored improperly. Noticed that the wine has run partly up the side of the cork. This bottle might need further investigation. If you have had this wine before, pick up the glass and taste it. If you have NOT had this bottle of wine before, please point the cork out to the wait staff and send it back. You do not want to chance that it was been altered!

The cork below is a wine you definitely want to send back! Notice that the wine has run all the way to the top. This means that the wine got hot for a little bit (not stored properly) and will be considered a "cooked wine." Will drinking a cooked wine hurt you? No! But if you are paying for a bottle of wine - you should get a good quality product! Not one that has been stored improperly. A cooked wine will not display the full taste profile that the wine maker intended it to have.

There you go! Now spread the word! Next time you are in a restaurant, DO NOT let the table next to you smell the cork! Teach them to look at the cork instead!

As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
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Monday, February 22, 2016

Best Junk Food Wine Pairings

Ok - So we all know that full bodied reds go well with steaks and light bodied whites goes with seafood. Great! So I know what to pair when I go out to a nice dinner!?!  But what about the rest of the time!?

The real question is: What goes with potato chips, chocolate, pizza, and all the other junk food we consume on our average Friday night with our friends! 

Well fear no more! Here is the Best Junk Food Wine Parings List that will leave you craving your late night guilty pleasure!

Oreos: Tannant

Sweet Potato Fries: Pinot Grigio

 Brownies: Cabernet Sauvignon
Bacon: Pinotage

Crab Ragoon:  Riesling

Spicy Wings: Gewurztraminer

Chocolate Cake: Malbec

Sandwiches: Sauvignon Blanc

Buffalo Chicken Dip: Torrontes

Cheeseburger: Merlo

Pumpkin anything: Viognier 

Pizza: Sangiovese

Potato Chips: Chardonnay 

  ChocolateCovered Strawberries: Pinot Noir 

Drop a line in the comments to tell me your favorite junk food wine pairing!
All these varietals (types of wines) can be purchased directly from my webpage! So skip running out to the store and have them delivered directly to you! To shop my wine cellar click  Here!

As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
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Saturday, February 20, 2016

The 1 Missed Step to Success

Imagine yourself getting ready to go on a luxury vacation to somewhere warm and beautiful. What do you do to prepare yourself for this vacation? Do you read travel guides, check trip adviser, and pack a suitcase? Or do you just jump in the car and go with no map?? Well if you want a successful vacation you prepare yourself for it. The same rule should be applied to your career or direct sales job! Your map is GOAL SETTING! When put it in this context, it just makes sense that if you want to create success, you must plan for it. Then how come goal setting is the number 1 missed step by people? It is often an after thought or a step not taken seriously. If you set goals, you are much more likely to achieve them. How much more likely? Check out these results:

A Harvard Business study revealed remarkable statistics relating to goal setting & success:
83% of the population does not have goals
14% have a plan in mind, but are unwritten goals
3% have goals written down
The study found that the 14% who have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals. The 3% with written goals are 3 times more successful than the 14% with unwritten goals.

Clearly, a person is more likely to achieve a goal if it is written down!!!!
“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” –Earl Nightingale 
Important of Goals 
1.Goals Propel your Forward
2.Transform insurmountable mountains 
into walkable wills 
3.Goals help us believe in ourselves 
4.Goals hold you accountable for failure
5.Goals tell you what you truly want 
6.Goals help us live life to the fullest

Common Obstacles That keep Us From Reaching Our Goals: 

Not have enough : time, money, knowledge, or skills
Stress and fatigue
Parents, friends, spouse don’t agree with your goals 
Fear of failure
Feat of disapproval or rejection
Lack of confidence in your ability to succeed
Lack of motivation
Short attention span
Lack of well defined goals
Unrealistic goals set 
Lack of acknowledgement

"A goal without a plan is just a wish."

What Goals Look Like:

Long Term:

Something you want to accomplish in the future.
Require time and planning. They are not something you can do this week or even this year. Long-term goals are usually at least several years away. Many steps have to be taken to reach a long term goal.

Make Director position

Manage of team of 100

Total Career Volume of $100,000
Short Term:
Something you want to do in the near future. The near future can mean today, this week, this month, or even this year.  
They are less complicated to achieve than long term goals. 
Help you think what you can do right away.They can help you manage your time.
They might seem small but they are often benchmarks that help you achieve long term goals.
Book 4 parties a month
Plan 1 hour a week “warm calling”
Every Sunday follow up with perspectives 
Long term and short term should always be realistic and accomplishable. 
Accomplishable have concrete benchmarks/progress that can be seen or measured.
Accomplishable goals may be attempted and failed several times before they are accomplished or they may be accomplished at first attempt.
Which goal is accomplishable?
Sell a case of wine at every party!
Remember to mention to guests the benefits of buying a case.

Dream Goals:

These are goals that are inspirational but not directly measurable.
Can be abstract ideas and be ongoing with no end.
They can sometimes be achieved but not always.They are the highest level of our wants or the highest level of something we could possibly fathom.


My team will be motivated by my actions and coaching.

Every guest at my party will learn something new and pass their knowledge on.

I will expand my knowledge on sommology.
Planning Goals:
"If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail."

DAILY GOALS – These are usually very specific and can be check lists or small bits that keep you on track for your goals / benchmarks. “I will make 1 phone call or email a day.”
WEEKLY GOALS – These are goals that help keep your movement toward your larger goals. They can we benchmarks or small goals that often change to help you work toward your larger goals. They are goals that help you assess your needs to reach your highest levels.  “I want have 1 party a week.”
MONTHLY GOALS -  Often most important goals that show us our progress made. Much thought are put into these goals since they project our outcomes.  They may not be reach every month but a good monthly goal will be reach 75% of the time. Any thing less, the goal should be reassessed and  a new plan should be made. “I want PV in 25% each month.” There for I should reach this goal 9/12 months.
YEARLY GOALS – Can be very broad and be your “target” to reach toward. Your monthly goals should help you reach this . “I want to do $12,000 in sales a year!”
Easiest Way of Putting Your Goals Into Action: Vision Board
VISION BOARD – A poster of collected images and/or words that inspire and motivate YOU!
Vision Boards include but not limited to:
Long term goals
Short term goals

Keys to Success: 


Now I know this is a lot of information at once, but its quality. If you plan to be successful, then make a plan to success. Do yourself a favor and sit down and think about some of your goals. Whether you post them on sticky notes, vision board, or write them down in some form - just get them done! And when you accomplish them, cross them off so you can see your progress! There is nothing more motivating then being able to physically see your progress! Seeing is believing! 


As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
Like me on Facebook

Friday, February 19, 2016

3 Things YOU Need to Successfully Start a Direct Sales Adventure

Now, you will hear many, many, many different things on what you need to be successful. I have seen advice from all over and from many experts. Some advice is very specific - "Do this, and ABC, followed by XYZ and then you will have success." While some of those blue prints work for some, it also leaves some confused and in the dark with what to do.

While I am not expert myself, just an enthusiast, I do happen to be one of the top recruiters for my company in just the short 2.5 years I have been with them. When I started - right away I was one of the top. And guess what? 
I had NEVER been involved with direct sales before,
I had NEVER read an article or book on direct sales,
I have NEVER worked in the sales industry,
and I live in a very rural AND poor area.

Say What? How can it be that someone like me emerges and within 3 months becomes recognized by my CEO as a stellar rock star?! Well I will share with you HOW. And it is just 3 simple tips. Three simple things you just have to naturally have or strive for. They can't be taught nor can they be bought. 

So have I peaked your curiosity yet? Are you ready? Here they are:

#1 Attitude
#2 Hard Work
#3 Luck

Now let's talk about these a little more and define them. Some of you might think: "Well I already have all of these and I am not successful." Well, that is clearly because you are wrong. 

"If you want to be successful the first step is to get out of your own way."    

(Hmmmm think about that one....)

#1 - Attitude. We all have it. Born with in. But can it be changed? No. But it can be nurtured and refocused. You have to be positive, adaptable, and reflective. You have to look at the world with the glass half full. You have to know when to let go and move onward & upward. And you have to be able to analyze, evaluate, and reflect upon your actions. I am not going to elaborate on this one piece because this has to come from within and it has to be present 100 percent of the time. You can either do it or you can't. And if you can't - you actually can with a lot of training - train your brain. This takes time, routine, and devotion. So let's hope you are born with this skill! If so, proceed to the next two tips.

#2 - Hard Work. When you start a business, you have to work it like a business. You get out what you put in and your result will not be instant. Expect what you do today to yield results in about 3-6 months. Building a business takes time. Think about it like this: If a new pizza shop opened in town, right next to your favorite pizza shop, are you going to run right over and try it out the day it opens? No! You might eventually try it on your own but in reality - you are not going to try it until you hear feedback/ recommendations from others  that say to try it! Direct sales is the same way! You need to set aside time to work on your business. How much time? Well that depends on how successful you want to be in 3 to 6 months. This step I do recommend that you reach out to uplines, watch company training, and follow a gurus on social media. (Personally, I highly suggest Ray Higdon or any of his prodigies.) Be a sponge! Soak up ever piece of info you can and apply it! (This is part of analyze, evaluate, and reflect that I mentioned in step number 1.)

#3 - Luck. It is what it is. Some of us have it, and others do not. Well this is simply not true. You create your luck. Only you can put yourself in circumstances that will advance you. I truly believe luck is based on the people & environment you surround yourself with. I was once told: "You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with." (Reflect upon that statement, analyze, and evaluate.) Is that a powerful statement or what? It is so true. So if you find yourself in the business with "no luck," think about who you are surrounding yourself with because you can control that.

Well, there you have it. The 3 things you need to successfully start a direct sales adventure.

As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
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Thursday, February 18, 2016

How to tell Crap Wine from Good Wine!

Awww! A very important question! How do YOU tell crap wine from gooooood wine!?! It is actually fairly easy - but before we get to the exact science, lets talk a little about wine.

Not all wines are created equal. I am sorry - but they just are not! Many manufacturers of wine take short cuts in order to produce more wine faster! (They produce wine for profit, not for passion.) Now does that mean they are not tasty? Nope - they can be tasty! THAT is part of the problem! Chances are if you have indulged in large production wines, you enjoy them but had no idea what the difference was between that $6 bottle of Shiraz versus that $20 bottle. You were purchasing based on price rather than value. Let me share a little bit about big production wineries. Take that $6 bottle of Shiraz. It tastes like it has been aged in oak. It is simple and gets the job done, but with what consequences? Red wine headache? Maybe a rash? Horrible hang over? You probably always assumed these are the results of just drinking wine. WRONG.... this is the result of poor quality wine! Large wine producers only care about profit. Instead of aging the bottle of Shiraz to the proper time in an oak barrow, they instead added a powder to it that makes it taste like it has been aged in oak! WHAT? Yup! And if they did that to create a faux flavor profile, what else have they added to that wine too? YUCK!

Quality wine producers allow their wines the time and natural processes they need. Why? Because they are producing wine for the art of it, not the profit of it.

So how can you tell if your wine is of quality? Price? (Nope - not always an indicator but it is a step in the right direction.) Ready?  It is the length of the aftertaste.  The quality in all wines is based upon the length of the aftertaste. Huh? Really? What does this mean?

Grab a glass of wine and let's experiment! (Yay! A science experiment for adults!) Hold a sip of wine in your mouth for several seconds. ( I know this will be hard for some of you- bear with me!) Once the wine is in your mouth for several seconds you will experience 3 waves of flavors:
Attack - In the foretaste the wine is announcing itself to you. Here you will experience the fruity and sweet flavors that the wine might have.
Evolution - Next acidity amplifies the flavors in the attack.
Finish - Finally the flavors begin to fade away. The length of the finish will determine the quality in the wine. The longer the aftertaste, the better the wine!

Your Homework: So I want you to go to the store, buy 1 mass produced bottle of wine of a certain varietal and then buy 1 bottle of wine that is made by a small winery or estate that is the same varietal. Go home and pour out 2 glasses of wine. Take a sip of the mass produced wine and hold it in your mouth and see if you can determine the 3 waves of flavors. Count how many seconds it takes for the aftertaste to finally fade away. Now do the same with the other wine. What did you notice? Since they are the same varietal you should taste similar tones but you will notice that the quality wine lasted much longer AND the flavor intensity is more pronounced!

Now like I said before: In no way, shape or form am I saying mass produced wines are horrible. That is simply not true and should be considered an opinion and not a fact. Consider them as the "McDonald's" of wines. While we all love a good McDonald's burger from time to time, we just simply know not to have high expectations for that burger. We know quality and time was not put into that burger when it was made - no matter how much you are 'just lovin in'. Now think about when you go to a fine steak house. You know that steak you ordered has been delicately prepared by a chef and personally cooked and prepared for you. Time and quality was put into that steak. You can consider smaller production wine companies and estates to be the "steakhouse."  Now when you look at wines with this analogy, you will have a better understanding of quality of wines!

As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Four Reasons Why Prospects Tell Us No When We Offer Our Opportunities

 Four Reasons Why Prospects Tell Us No When We Offer Our Opportunities

In an ideal world, we want to offer our opportunity to everyone and have them join our team. There is no bigger pleasure then signing on a new team mate! We get pumped up, we call another teammate and boast a little, we feel like we are at the top of the world, and we even become a little smug. 

But in reality we often hear our prospects say:
“I have to think it over."
" I am really busy right now, I just do not have the time."
 "Let me talk about it with my spouse." 
Or this one kills me - " I do not have the money right now."
 (I could go on a serious rant about this one but I will spare you all... )

Question: What's next? How do you turn those “not nows” into “right nows” ??

Following up simply means we have great conversations with our prospects and they look forward to chatting with us again.

It is said that average decision take 7 follow up! 7! Ekkkkkk! And, well… that’s only the average. We will all aim to do it in much less with the right tools! But first we need to understand WHY people say no!
Why people say "No" to our opportunity.  

#1 Bad Timing
  •                Loss of job
  •                Working too many hours
  •                Moving
  •                Family Issues
  •                Relationship difficulties

 #2 Distractions - Humans by nature are easily distracted. That's why sticky notes were invented.

#3 Bad Sales Presentation - We have all witnessed this before - usually in form of TV commercials but a bad pitch can be just as horrible. It is never a good thing when your prospector can not wait for the conversation to be over!
#4 Bad Skills
Prospects smell incompetency – They want to join the biz with someone who has the skills to get them there! Does this mean YOU have to be successful? NO? Your success in the business has VERY LITTLE to do with your ability to be HUMAN and offer help!

So we cannot control #1 or #2 but we can at least control #3 & #4

Here is a follow up secret that will make the difference:
Prospects do not understand everything about our business AND THEY DON’T NEED TO until they are IN the business. Don’t get caught up with those details!

THIS is what prospects ONLY care about : HOW the business will change their life! What they are looking for is a trusted path and a trusted guide for their future success.
They want to know if:
               #1 – You know WHERE you are going
               #2- You know HOW to get there
               #3- YOU have the SKILLS to teach them how to get there

We also need to know what our prospects want out of this opportunity. If we do not know what our prospects are looking - then how can we serve them? If you know what is important to them – then you won’t waste you time presenting material that is of no use to them. How do we find this out? By listening to what they are saying. BE A LISTENER! (Stay tuned for future blogs on this topic.)

As always, I hope you found value and I would love to hear you feedback, stories, or questions that deal with this subject. You can always find me directly at
Make sure to follow me on instagram as WinWithWine
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